Ethical production
We use organic cotton produced in India .
Cultivation without chemical additives and fertilizers is beneficial for the environment and for those who work closely with the land. The extremely short production chain guarantees a lower carbon footprint. For for our shipments we only use packaging in recyclable material.

Respect and collaboration
Our production is still done today in India by artisans whose talent, passion, and love are visible in every piece. We are proud of the people who work with us : those who cut, those who sew, those who embroider. We make regular visits to make sure that the working conditions that are essential for us are always guaranteed and optimal.

Tradition and craftsmanship
The cotton is printed with hand-inlaid wooden blocks . To be able to print 3 meters of fabric the printer must repeat the mold 700-1000 times , with different blocks depending on the number of colors and shapes. Possible imperfections are part of the beauty of hand-printed fabrics . A hand-printed dress is a work of art.